Results Oriented Work, Trust in Remote, Financial Literacy
Results Oriented Work: In today’s world of the great resignation many HR employees are scrambling to find the solution of how to hire employees who want to work. CBC thinks they have found the solution with results-only work environment. Employees have realized they can do their entire job from home. Some have even chosen to freelance or entrepreneurial avenues in order to control their own schedule. With a results-only environment it would allow employees to set their own schedule and employers to receive the help they need.
Trust in Remote: Many Employers are concerned that their employees are not as productive while working remotely. However, many studies show that in a familiar environment such as the home, many employees are just as, if not more productive. INC gives us the statistics on how many employees work from home pre and post pandemic. While it was once a learning curve, employers can now trust their employees to be efficient and productive while remaining in the comfort of their own home.
Financial Literacy: The United States of America prides itself on containing a whole melting pot of people from all over the world. While we all go through the same education system, we do not experience the same ways of becoming financially independent. CNBC covers the ways in which the hispanic community can gain financial independence through saving for retirement.