How Financial Marketers Can Drive Corporate Social Responsibility -

How Financial Marketers Can Drive Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become somewhat of a buzz phrase in business circles in recent years, and financial marketing and communications professionals have been tasked with communicating to the public what their brand’s values are and how they might be aligned with wider social movements.

But CSR is not just a box to be checked, but rather should help define what a company is at the very core. Indeed, it is actually a part of a collective social responsibility between brands and their audience, according to a recent piece in PR Week. 

The article cites a study that notes, “87 percent of millennials believe the success of a business should be measured by more than just financial impact. It’s time to step out of our pre-pandemic comfort zones and challenge ourselves to brainstorm beyond a viral PR stunt for the masses – and truly impact lives.”

The study also revealed that “the crisis has only heightened and accelerated people’s desire for radical action when it comes to meaningful change” — They are looking to work collectively with brands they admire to make an impact.

These are uncertain times but also times filled with opportunities, and marketers and PR practitioners can play a key role in helping to ignite positive social change.

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