Home sweet home – a highly emotive phrase – and as a serial property renovator, one which I apply as much at work as I do at home. While at home, three properties in 10 years seemed like a lot, doing things the Vested way makes this our fifth office in less than two years.

Why? Well office number one was where it all started, with space for four and no natural light, then we graduated to a window. Our next office, by comparison, seemed luxurious, with space for eight and a prime view. Then this time last year we moved location to an office in the heart of the city that could accommodate our growing team. A full year on and time for a change, we have made it to office number five.

Vested London is now based in the aptly named Treasure House in Hatton Garden. We have a Vested green wall, plenty of plants, views of the jewelry district, a great event space and a place that feels more like home. A home with creativity at its heart, with personal service, with lovely neighbours and space to grow – a place that feels just a little more us.

So this blog is really a big thank you to the team for weathering the move, for the box packing and unpacking, and for their commitment to relentless change. Hopefully, office number five will be a keeper for a little while, and in the meantime, may it be home sweet home!